A challenge has been accepted...
The Challenge:
To team up with Macha Jewelry and host an exhibition/party in London at some point in February 2009!!....
Thus every tiny minute idea and plan i had leisurely swimming around in my head, now have to be channeled and focused into a great launch for Bedfordand6th and to hold its own in a room next to the absolutely amazing creations from Macha... and in just under 2 months!!!.....
At this stage (as the plan was newly hatched last night over skype) We have No venue, No items, no date, just lots and lots of ideas......
I decided that today would be a good time to start my Blog, so i could document our ideas and progress ( it will also help my ever decreasing memory) as the largest challenge we face would be sea and lots of land... Macha is based in Brooklyn NYC and Bedfordand6th is based in Winchester/London UK..... but we love a challenge and i think the collaboration will be a great success.....