Monday, 9 March 2009

Show Stopper...

This nursing chair was part of an installation that showed the progression of work through traditional upholstery..

Mirror Mirror...

Bernice will Kill me..

Here we are on the night.... after show, pre night of mayhem!... Saturday at the show wasn't quite as smiley.... but we held it together quite well...

Friday, 6 March 2009


I got quite into my cushions... Here is BABY FIFI, she is filled with duck feathers and I have used both sides of this very soft leather hide, to give her some texture and extra sex appeal!!..


Not really a traditionally upholstered piece of furniture, but one of my favorites from the 'RAWHIDE' exhibition..  He has a cambric inner filled plump with duck feathers and his outer coat is cowhide/hair done in patchwork, just because I like to make my life difficult!!.. HE IS GORGEOUS!!...


This little beauty is 'STIG'.. he is finished in a nice and simple ticking stripe and the loose cushion is filled with duck feathers and covered in 100% Linen scrim...

The flowers were created especially for our exhibition by 'VICTORIA' and she can be contacted at - she is a complete WONDER!!.. 

CELIA chair in progress...

I think it is nice and also interesting to see what goes into a traditionally upholstered piece of furniture....


This is CELIA, on display at the exhibition 'RAWHIDE'...


SO the project that prompted this blog spot took place on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February at the Troubadour, the space shown on an earlier blog... Such a great space, I would highly recommend it!!

I'm uploading pieces on display at the show... any enquiries - please don't hesitate to contact me..